

NFC Smart Card Reader Smart Headset Headphones USB Type-C Docking Station Smart Plug - Smart Home Aluminum Keyboards for Mac and PC Wireless Smart TV Keyboard RF 2.4GHz USB 3.1 Type-C HDD Box HDD Docking Station USB 3.0 Wi-Fi HDD Enclosure Universal Travel Adapter USB Car Charger Smart Film Converter Tiramisu' Notebook Stand

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Power Adapter Compatibility List

This table shows compatibility for original Hamlet power supplies and enclosures. In case of products with more than one compliances, please refer to specifics listed on the product's label and on the eventual power supply's label.

Product Code
HEXD3U2 X - - - -
HEXD3UA X - - - -
HEXD3UB X - - - -
HEXD3SA X - - - -
HEXD3UTX X - - - -
HEXD3UTX500 X - - - -
HEXD3UA500FW X - - - -
HXD3SAUU - X - - -
HXD3SAUU (ver _FC) - - - - X
HEXD5UA X - - - -
HEXD5U2 X X - - -
HEXD5UA-D X - - - -
HEXD5U2-DB - X - - -
HXD5U2SA - X - - -
HXD3PU2 - X X - -
HXD3CCUU - - - X -
HXD3CCUU (ver _FC) - - - - X
HXD3CCUES - - - X -
HXD3U3 - - - X -
HXD3U3 (ver _FC) - - - - X
HXD35TCU31 - - - - X

For buying original Hamlet products, you may verify availability on ecommerce websites suggested by Hamlet, checking under "buy on-line" section. Or you can find products by searching on most common search engines.

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